Privacy and Cookies Policy
The usage of the website: Home-based Studio – Web games and playable ads (, the blog, the Facebook profile: Home-based Studio | Facebook, the Twitter profile: Home-based.Studio (@HBStudio_PL) / Twitter, the testers group: Home-based Studio - Grupa testerów and the profile: Home-based Studio - is equivalent to explicit consent to the following provisions of Privacy and Cookies Policy.
As an User, familiarize yourself with its provisions. The following table of contents shall help you with that. It provides information about: the means used by us to protect personal data of the Users , how do we process them, to whom do we entrust them and about many other important issues related to the personal data.
Table of Contents

This Privacy and Cookies Policy specifies the principles of processing and protecting the personal data provided by the Users, Cookies files, and other technologies appearing on the website Home-based Studio – Web games and playable ads (, on the blog, on the Facebook profile: Home-based Studio | Facebook, on the Twitter profile: Home-based.Studio (@HBStudio_PL) / Twitter, in the group: Home-based Studio - Grupa testerów and on the profile: Home-based Studio -

The website Administrator and Personal Data Controller of the personal data provided as a part of the use of the website is HOME-BASED STUDIO Sp. z o.o. z with it's registered Office in Demblin, at Demblin 21, 33-270 Wietrzychowice, entered in the business register of the National Court Register kept by the District Court of Kraków-Śródmieście in Kraków XII Commercial Division of the National Court Register, under KRS no. 0000934869, NIP (Tax Identification Number): 9930684931, REGON: 52053590000000, share capital: 10000 PLN, according to the information corresponding to the current copy of Register of Entrepreneurs contained in the Central Information of National Court Register, represented by the members of the Management Board: Maja Seweryn and Piotr Hanusiak.

We care about the safety of the personal data and the Website's User's privacy. We are glad that you visited our Website.

In case of any concerns regarding this Privacy and Cookies Policy provisions, please contact the Administrator via e-mail address:

The Administrator reserves the right to make changes to this privacy policy, and each User is obliged to know the current privacy policy. The reason for the changes may be the development of Internet technology, changes in the universally binding law or the development of the Website, for instance the use of new tools by the Administrator. There is a publication date of the current privacy policy further down the page.


Administrator – The website Administrator and Personal Data Controller of the personal data provided as a part of the use of the website is HOME-BASED STUDIO Sp. z o.o. z with it's registered Office in Demblin, at Demblin 21, 33-270 Wietrzychowice, entered in the business register of the National Court Register kept by the District Court of Kraków-Śródmieście in Kraków XII Commercial Division of the National Court Register, under KRS no. 0000934869, NIP (Tax Identification Number): 9930684931, REGON: 52053590000000, share capital: 10000 PLN, according to the information corresponding to the current copy of Register of Entrepreneurs contained in the Central Information of National Court Register, represented by the members of the Management Board: Maja Seweryn and Piotr Hanusiak.

User – each entity remaining on and using the Website.

Website and/or Webstore – website Home-based Studio – Web games and playable ads (located at the address,, Facebook profiles: Home-based Studio | Facebook, Home-based Studio - Grupa testerów, Home-based.Studio (@HBStudio_PL) / Twitter and Home-based Studio -

Form or Forms – sections on the Website, which allow entering personal data by the User, for purposes therein specified, for instance to send the newsletter, to place an order, to contact the User.

Newsletter – free service provided by electronic means by the Administrator for the User by sending electronic letters, through which the Administrator informs about events, services, products and other elements important from the Administrator point of view and/or to implement the legitimate interest of the Administrator, which is direct marketing, including sending marketing and commercial content with the User's consent. Detailed information about sending the Newsletter are set below in this Policy.

GDPR - Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation).

Act on Personal Data Protection – act of 10 May 2018 on personal data protection (Journal of Laws 2018, item 1000 with later amendments.).

Act on Rendering Electronic Services – act of 18 July 2002 r. on rendering electronic services (Journal of Laws no. 144, item 1204 with later amendments).


The User's Personal Data Controller is HOME-BASED STUDIO Sp. z o.o. z with it's registered Office in Demblin, at Demblin 21, 33-270 Wietrzychowice, entered in the business register of the National Court Register kept by the District Court of Kraków-Śródmieście in Kraków XII Commercial Division of the National Court Register, under KRS no. 0000934869, NIP (Tax Identification Number): 9930684931, REGON: 52053590000000, share capital: 10000 PLN, according to the information corresponding to the current copy of Register of Entrepreneurs contained in the Central Information of National Court Register, represented by the members of the Management Board: Maja Seweryn and Piotr Hanusiak.


Providing the data is voluntary, however a denial to provide some information, in principle selected on the Administrator's Website as obligatory, will result in failure to provide a relevant service and to achieve a specific goal or to take specific actions.

Provision of data, which aren't obligatory, as well as provision of excess of data by the User, which doesn't have to be processed by the Administrator is based on the decision of the User and in that case processing of data is based on the condition stated in the article 6 paragraph 1 point (a) GDPR (consent). The Users give their consent to process these data and to anonymise the data, which the Administrator doesn't require and doesn't want to process, however they were provided to the Administrator by the User.


Only the data provided by the User are collected and processed (except for – in some cases – the data collected automatically via Cookies). While you are visiting the Website, the data concerning the visit are collected automatically, for instance the User's IP, domain name, browser type, operating system type. Data collected automatically can be used for: analysis of the User's behavior on the Website, collecting the User's demographic data or personalisation of the Website's content for the purpose of its development. However, these data are processed only for the purpose of the Website's management, ensuring efficient handling of hosting service or directing marketing content and are not associated with the data of specific Users. You can read more about Cookies in the further part of this Policy.

The data can also be collected for the purpose of filling the forms, which appear on the Website, which is mentioned in the further part of the privacy policy.

Information society service

The Administrator does not collect children's data. Users should be at least 16 years old, in order to independently give their consent to processing personal data for the purpose of providing information society service, for instance for marketing purposes, or they should get their legal guardian's (for instance their parent) consent for this purpose.

In the event that the Users are not at least 16 years old, they should not use the Website or the Home-based Studio – Web games and playable ads ( service.

The administrator is entitled to make reasonable efforts in order to verify if the User meets the age requirement mentioned above, or if the holders of parental responsibility or persons who have custody of the User, who is below 16 years old, gave their consent or approval.


The User shall be entitled at any time to the rights set out in the articles 15-21 GDPR, which are:

  1. right to access their data,

  2. right to transfer their data,

  3. right to rectify their data,

  4. right to erasure their data, if there is no basis of their processing,

  5. right to restriction of processing, i fit was done incorrectly or unlawful,

  6. right to object if the processing of their data was based on the legitimate interest of the Administrator,

  7. right to lodge a complaint with supervisory authority – Chairman of Poland's Personal Data Protection Officer or his counterpart in any other EU country ( under provisions specified in Act on Personal Data Protection), in case the Users would consider that processing their data is against the currently effective regulations in the scope of data protection.

  8. right to be forgotten, if the further data processing is no longer provided by the currently effective regulations.

The Administrator notes that the rights mentioned above are not absolute and are not granted with regard to all User's data processing activities. It applies to, for instance, the right to data portability. This right can not adversely affect the freedoms or rights of others, such as, for instance, copyrights, professional secrecy. In order to learn about the restrictions concerning the Users rights, I refer to GDPR.

Nevertheless, the User is entitled to lodge a complaint with supervisory authority at any time.

In order to exercise their rights, the Users can contact the Administrator via e-mail address: pointing out the scope of their requests. The answer will be given within 30 days from obtaining the request and its justification, unless it will be justified to extend the deadline in accordance with GDPR.


The User's data can be transferred outside the European Union – to the Third Countries.

In connection with the fact that the Administrator uses various third party service providers, for instance Facebook and subsidiaries, Google,, etc. the User's data can be transferred to the United States of America (USA) in connection with their storage on american servers (in whole or in part). Google and Facebook apply compliance mechanisms provided for in the GDPR (for instance certificates) or standard contractual clauses with regard to their services. The data shall be transferred only to the recipients , who guarantee the highest security and safety of data, for instance through:

  1. cooperation with the entities processing personal data in the countries for which a relevant decision of European Commission was issued,

  2. implementation of standard contractual clauses issued by European Commission (for instance, as in the case of Google),

  3. implementation of binding corporate rules approved by the competent supervisory authority,

or these, for whom the Users gave their consent to transfer data to.

Detailed information can be found in the privacy policy of each provider of these services available on their websites. For instance:

Google LLC:

Facebook Ireland Ltd.: Privacy Policy –

Twitter: Privacy Policy (

Currently, the services offered by Google and Facebook are provided by the entities located in the European Union. However, you should read the privacy policy of these providers each time to get the current information in scope of personal data protection.


The User's data will be stored by the Administrator for the time of performing particular services / achieving objectives and:

  1. for the duration of performance of the service and cooperation, and also for the period of limitation of claims in accordance with the law – with regard to the data provided by counterparties, the clients or the Users,

  2. for the duration of holding the conversations and negotiations preceding the conclusion of the agreement or the performance of the service – with regard to the data provided in the request for quotation,

  3. for the period required by law, including tax law — with regard to the personal data related to the compliance with the obligations resulting from the provisions of applicable law,

  4. until an objection is effectively raised pursuant to article 21 GDPR — with regard to the personal data processed on the basis of the Administrator's legitimate interest, including the direct marketing purposes,

  5. until the consent is withdrawn or the objective of the processing is achieved, or the business objective is achieved — with regard to the personal data processed on the basis of consent. After the withdrawal of consent, the data can be processed for defense against possible claims for the period of limitation of these claims or for the period (shorter) specified to User,

  6. until the data's obsolescence or loss of usefulness — with regard to the personal data processed mainly for the analytical and statistical purposes, as well as for the purposes of using Cookies and management of the Administrator's Websites.


The Administrator is the Personal Data Controller of the User's personal data on the fanpage under the name Home-based Studio | Facebook and the group under the name Home-based Studio - Grupa testerów on Facebook on Facebook service (hereinafter referred to as Fanpage).

The User's data provided on Fanpage shall be processed for the purposes of management and governance of the Fanpage, communication with the User, engaging, directing the marketing content to the User and creating the Fanpage's community.

The basis of their processing is the User's consent and the Administrator's legitimate interest consisting in engaging with the Users and Fan Page's followers. The User voluntarily decides to like/follow the Fanpage.

The rules on the Fanpage are fixed by the Administrator, however the rules on being on the Facebook social network arise from Facebook's regulations.

The User can unfollow the Fanpage at any time. However, the Administrator shall not display to the User any content originating from the Administrator and related to the Fanpage then.

The Administrator sees personal data of the Users, such as, for instance, name, surname, general information provided by them as public on their profiles. The remaining personal data are processed by the Facebook social network on the rules contained in their regulations.

The User's personal data will be processed for the time of running / existence of the Fanpage on the basis of the consent expressed through clicking the „like” button / following the Fanpage or through engaging, for instance by leaving a comment, sending a message and on the basis of the Administrator legitimate interest, which is the marketing of own products or services or the defence against claims.

The User's personal data can be provided to other data recipients, such as Facebook portal, cooperating commercial agencies or other subcontractors managing the Administrator's Fanpage, IT service, virtual assistant, if it will come to a contact outside the Facebook portal.

The remaining User's rights are described in this privacy policy.

The User's data can be transferred to third countries in accordance with Facebook regulations.

These data can also be profiled, which helps to personalise the commercial offer directed to the User better. However, they will not be processed automatically within the meaning of GDPR (having the negative impact on the User's rights and freedoms).


The Administrator is the Personal Data Controller of the User's personal data on the site under the name Home-based.Studio (@HBStudio_PL) / Twitter on Twitter service (hereinafter referred to as Site).

The User's data provided on Site shall be processed for the purposes of management and governance of the Site, communication with the User, engaging, directing the marketing content to the User and creating the Site's community.

The basis of their processing is the User's consent and the Administrator's legitimate interest consisting in engaging with the Users and Site's followers. The User voluntarily decides to like/follow the Site.

The rules on the Fanpage are fixed by the Administrator, however the rules on being on Twitter social network arise from Twitter's regulations.

The User can unfollow the Site at any time. However, the Administrator shall not display to the User any content originating from the Administrator and related to the Site then.

The Administrator sees personal data of the Users, such as, for instance, name, surname, general information provided by them as public on their profiles. The remaining personal data are processed by the Twitter social network on the rules contained in their regulations.

The User's personal data will be processed for the time of running / existence of the Site on the basis of the consent expressed through clicking the „like” button / following the Site or through engaging, for instance by leaving a comment, sending a message and on the basis of the Administrator legitimate interest, which is the marketing of own products or services or the defence against claims.

The User's personal data can be provided to other data recipients, such as Twitter portal, cooperating commercial agencies or other subcontractors managing the Administrator's Fanpage, IT service, virtual assistant, if it will come to a contact outside the Twitter portal.

The remaining User's rights are described in this privacy policy.

The User's data can be transferred to third countries in accordance to the Twitter regulations.

These data can also be profiled, which helps to personalise the commercial offer directed to the User better. However, they will not be processed automatically within the meaning of GDPR (having a negative impact on the User's rights and freedoms).


The User's personal data are being stored and secured with due diligence, in accordance with the Administrator's internal procedures implemented. The Administrator processes information about the User using appropriate technological and organisational measures in accordance with the requirements of the legislation, in particular the rules relating to the protection of personal data. These measures are intended to, primarily, secure the User's personal data against unauthorised access.

In particular, access to the User's personal data is granted only to the authorised persons, who are obligated to keep these data in confidence, or to the entities to whom the processing of the data was entrusted to under a separate data entrustment agreement.

The Users should simultaneously maintain diligence in securing their personal data transferred within the Internet network, in particular they should: not disclose their login credentials to the third parties, use antivirus protection and update software.


The Administrator informs that he uses the services of the third parties. The entities to whom the Administrator entrusts the processing of personal data (such as, for instance,courier companies, intermediaries for electronic payment, companies offering accounting services, companies enabling the sending of newsletters) guarantee the application of appropriate personal data security and safety measures required by the legislation, in particular by GDPR.

The administrator informs the User that the processing of personal data is entrusted, inter alia, to the following entities:

  1. Kancelaria LICENCJA®, Kupa street 3/9, 31-057 Kraków – for the purpose of issue of accountancy documents,

  2. The Hosting Platform Made For You – Go Online With Hostinger – for the purpose of domain and mail server service,

  3. other contractors or subcontractors engaged in technical and administrative service or to provide legal assistance for the Administrator and his clients, for instance, accounting, information technology, graphic, copywriting assistance, or to debt collection agencies, lawyers etc.

  4. Offices, for instance Tax Office – for the purpose of performing legal and tax obligations related to settlement and accounting.


The Personal Data Controller hereby informs, that the Data Protection Officer (DPO) was not appointed and the Personal Data Controller is entirely in charge of carrying out the obligations related to the personal data processing.

The Users acknowledge that their personal data can be transferred to the authorised state authorities in connection with their proceedings, upon their request and after fulfilling the conditions confirming the necessity of obtaining such data from the Administrator.


The User's personal data shall not be used for automated decision-making, affecting the rights and obligations or freedoms of the User within the meaning of GDPR.

The User's data can be profiled within the website and tracking technologies, which helps to better personalise the company's offer directed by the Administrator to the User (maliny through so-called behavioral advertising). However, it should not affect the User's legal position, in particular the terms of contracts concluded by the Users or terms of contracts which they intend to conclude. It can only help to better match the content and commercials to the User's interests. The information used is anonymous and is not combined with the personal data provided by the User, for instance, during the purchase. They result from the statistical data, for instance gender, age, interests, approximate location, behaviours on the Website.

Each User has the right to object against profiling, if it would adversely affect the User's rights and obligations.

Click here, if you would like to know more about the behavioural advertising:


For the purpose of using the Administrator's Website, it is necessary to have:

  1. Device with access to the Internet

  2. Active electronic mailbox that receives e-mail messages

  3. Internet browser that enables the display of web pages

  4. Software that enables the Reading of content in the provided formats, for instance pdf, video, mp3, mp4.

  1. Like most websites, the Administrator's Website uses so-called tracking technologies, also known as cookie files („cookies"), which enable development of the website in terms of the visitors.

  2. The Website does not automatically collect any information, with the exception of the information contained in cookies.

  3. Cookie files (so-called „cookies”) are IT data, small text files, which are stored on the terminal equipment, for instance computer, tablet, smartphone, when you use our Website.

  4. They can be first-party cookies (derived directly from our website) and third-party cookies (derived from websites other than our Website).

  5. Cookie files allow us to adjust the consent of our Website in terms of the User's individual needs and the needs of other visitors. They also allow the creation of statistics, which show how the users are using the Website and how they navigate around it. With this, we can improve our Website, its content, structure and appearance.

  6. The Administrator uses the following third-party cookie files within the Website:

    1. Analytical tools GameAnalytics, statistics: for the purpose of analysing the statistics of created games: My Pocket Blacksmith, Cafe Venezia, Hack This, ReJungle, Memotem etc., published on the Website and platform. GameAnalytics and use their own cookie files to analyse actions and behaviours of the games' users. These files are used to store the information about, for instance, from which website did the User visit the current website. They help to improve the games. These tools are provided by the GameAnalytics company and the Itch Corp.( company. Actions taken within the use of the code of GameAnalytics and are based on the Administrator's legitimate interest in the creation and use of statistics, which later enables improvement of the Administrator's services and optimization of the games. Within the use of GameAnalytics' tool and's statistics, the Administrator does not process any User's personal identifiable information. The Administrator recommends to familiarize yourself with: the details related to the use of GameAnalytics' tool and's statistics, the possibility of switching off the tracking code and to ask the provider of that tool potential questions under the link: Privacy Policy - GameAnalytics, privacy@gameanalytics; Privacy Policy -,

    2. Embedded Google Analytics code – for the purpose of analysing the statistics of the Website. Google Analytics uses its own cookie files to analyse the actions and behaviours of the Website's Users. These files are used to store the information about, for instance, from which website did the User visit the current website. They help to improve the Website. This tool is provided by Google LLC. Actions taken within the use of the code of Google Analytics are based on the Administrator's legitimate interest consisting in creating and using the statistics, which later enables improvement of the Administrator's services and optimization of the Website. Within the use of Google Analytics' tool, the Administrator does not process any User's personal identifiable information. The Administrator recommends to familiarize yourself with: the details related to the use of Google Analytics' tool, the possibility of switching off the tracking code and to ask the provider of that tool potential questions under the link:

    3. Plug-ins of social media, for instance Facebook, You Tube,, Twitter.

      After clicking on a specific plug-in's icon, the User is directed to the website of a third party provider, who in this case is the owner of the respective social media service, for instance Facebook. Then, the User has the possibility to click the „like '' or „share” button and to like the Administrator's fanpage located on Facebook or to directly share its content (post, article, video, etc.).

      The Administrator recommends familiarizing yourself with Facebook privacy policy before creating an account on this portal. The Administrator has no influence on the data processed by Facebook. Since the moment of clicking on the plug-in's button referring to social media, personal data is processed by that social media portal (for instance Facebook), which becomes their Personal Data Controller and which decides the purposes and scope of their processing. Cookies left by Facebook plug-in (or other third parties) may also be applied in the User's device after visiting the Website and subsequently associated with the data collected on Facebook portal. The User using the Website accepts this fact. The Administrator has no influence on processing the data by third parties in such a manner.

      The above indications shall also be related to using:

      Facebook – fanpage under the URL address: Home-based Studio | Facebook,

      Profile on platform, under the URL address: Home-based Studio –,

      YouTube channel under the URL address: Home-based Studio – YouTube,

      Twitter profile, under the URL address: Home-based.Studio (@HBStudio_PL) / Twitter.

    4. Content from third parties' portals and websites,

      The Administrator may post content from the third parties' portals, services, blogs and other websites on the Website. In particular, it may be videos from YouTube service or Vimeo and sound recordings from SoundCloud portal.

      Third parties mentioned above may collect some data about watching / listening to the content by the User.

      If you don't want it to happen, log out from the specific portal (if you have an account and you are logged in) before you visit our Website or do not watch / listen to specific content on our Website. You may also change your browser settings and block the display of specific content from specific portals.


      Listening to the recordings available in the SoundCloud portal, you are using the services provided by SoundCloud, which is an independent entity providing services electronically to the User. SoundCloud privacy policy contains the details related to the processing of personal data by that portal: and cookies policy:, and also terms and conditions:


      YouTube service is managed by Google LLC and it enables users to play the recordings located on the Administrator's websites. YouTube may collect cookie files on the User's device related to watching the recordings and it assigns them to the Users' YouTube account if they are logged in.

      Watching the recordings available in the YouTube portal, you are using the services provided electronically by Google LLC. Google LLC Privacy policy and terms and conditions contain the details related to the processing of personal data by that portal: and

  7. The Administrator recommends once more to familiarize yourself with the privacy policy of each provider of services mentioned above for the purpose of knowing the possibilities of making changes and settings, which ensure protection of the User's rights.

  8. There are two types of cookie files used within the website: session cookies, which are erased after closing the browser, logging out or leaving the website, and persistent cookies, which are stored on the User's terminal equipment. Persistent cookies allow us to recognise the browser on the next visit on the website, for the time specified in the parameters of the cookie files or until the User removes them.

  9. In many cases, the software used to browse websites (Internet browser) by default allows storing cookie files in the User's terminal equipment. The Service's Users may change their settings regarding cookie files at any time. These settings can be changed, particularly, in such a manner, as to block the automatic operation of cookie files in the Internet browser settings or to inform of each placing of cookie files in the Website User's device. Detailed information regarding the possibility and methods for managing the cookie files are available in the software settings (of the Internet browser).

  10. The Administrator informs that limitations of cookie files usage (switching them off, limitations) may affect some of the functionalities available on the Website's sites and they may affect the Website's performance.

  11. You can find more informations regarding the cookie files under the link: or in section „Help” in the Internet browser menu.

  1. Using the Website involves sending requests to the server on which it is stored.

  2. Each request sent to the server is recorded in the server logs. The logs include, inter alia, the User's IP address, server's date and time, information about the Internet browser and operating system used by the User.

  3. The logs are recorded and stored on the server.

  4. The server logs are used to manage the Website and their content is not being disclosed to anyone, except the persons and entities authorised to manage the server.

  5. The Administrator does not use the server logs to identify the User in any manner.

This privacy policy was published on February 15 2022.

This privacy policy was last updated on February 15 2022.